AsiaWorld- Expo App

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Meet Our People

"Stay open-minded to achieve the impossible"

Ivy Ng
Director of Business Development

AsiaWorld-Expo is like a big, harmonious family to me. I joined AWE before it officially opened and I always credit the effort of the behind-the-scenes team for making it the world-class event venue it is today. It is the AWEsome team spirit that gives us the encouragement and support we need to succeed.

One of my most memorable experiences was the “River of Wisdom – Animated Version of the Riverside Scene at the Qingming Festival” exhibition in 2010. This was a record-breaking event for admission ticket sales at the time. The event was confirmed only one and a half months prior its opening - an “impossible” task. But with the open-minded spirit of our united team, together with their creativity, quality and hard work, the event opened as scheduled and ran for 21 days to an unprecedented total audience of one million visitors. The tremendous success of the event also became a case study in crowd management for future reference by government authorities. This high-profile success and learning experience is something I look back on with pride.

After working for a good number of years at AWE, and witnessing the astonishing development of the Airport City, I believe we will continue to capture new opportunities and build on our past successes with our AWEsome spirit.