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19 Mar 2008

AsiaWorld-Expo gains New Accreditation for its Corporate Social Responsibility Venue receives official Caring Company status and Indoor Air Quality certification

Asia's leading exhibition and events venue, AsiaWorld-Expo, has once again demonstrated its commitment to corporate responsibility with two new certifications. The company is now recognized as a Caring Company under the Caring Company Scheme organised by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS). The company has also received an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) certificate from the HKSAR Government's IAQ Management Programme.

"Both of these important new certifications reaffirm our dedication to responsible business operations," remarked Allen Ha, Chief Executive Officer of AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited. "This not only involves aiming for the prosperity and sustainability of the community in which we operate, but also by respecting the environment which we all share."

Caring Company Scheme

Since 2002, the Caring Company Scheme has awarded its coveted logo to businesses that demonstrate good citizenship. Businesses must meet two of six qualifying criteria, namely a culture of volunteering, family-friendly management, a policy of employing vulnerable sectors of the community, caring for the environment, mentoring non-profit organisations (NPOs), and providing cash or in-kind donations to NPOs.

In the years since its establishment, AsiaWorld-Expo has worked closely with a variety of NPOs to provide training and work-trial opportunities for the unemployed, and has actively participated in Supported Employment Programmes organised by the Government, such as the Labour Department's Youth Work Experience and Training Scheme. In 2007 and early-2008, AsiaWorld-Expo also worked with Hong Kong's Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention to provide placement opportunities for unemployed individuals or ex-offenders. The company additionally outsources jobs to NPOs wherever feasible. In corporate giving, too, AsiaWorld-Expo aims to set a good example. Following a Médecins Sans Frontières Donation Day, AsiaWorld-Expo contributed in cash to this life-saving charity. All employees and customers of AWE are also encouraged to donate.

Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme

To further demonstrate its commitment to ensuring a healthy, productive environment for employees, contractors and customers, AsiaWorld-Expo has also joined the Government's voluntary IAQ Certification Scheme.

Under the terms of this scheme, air quality is measured by a Government-appointed examiner. Upon satisfying the stringent air-quality requirements set by the Government, participating businesses receive official certification of their air quality. After a rigorous assessment process, AsiaWorld-Expo was advised by the Government that the air quality in all its exhibition halls is certifiable as "IAQ Good Class".

"In the months and years to come," added Allen Ha, "AsiaWorld-Expo will continue to work with Government, NPOs, staff members and the local community to ensure that it always remains a figurehead for corporate responsibility."

Media Contact

For media inquiries, please contact AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited:

Kenneth Chan
Tel: 3606 8888
Fax: 3606 8889
Fiona Lau
Tel: 3606 8888
Fax: 3606 8889