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02 Jun 2009

AsiaWorld-Expo welcomes hundreds of job seekers to its first Job Fair

AsiaWorld-Expo, Asia’s leading exhibition and events venue, today held its first Job Fair. This important new event offered over 150 full-time, part-time and temporary posts to local job seekers, including security personnel, F&B and kitchen staff, cashiers, cleaners and others.  Many of the jobs at the Fair featured flexible working days and hours, making them ideally suited to Tung Chung residents who need to balance their employment with other obligations or activities.
The public’s response to the Fair was overwhelming, with over 300 job seekers in attendance. Indeed, following the extraordinary response to this event, AsiaWorld-Expo is actively considering another round of Job Fairs later in the year.
It’s fitting that AsiaWorld-Expo held such an event.  As a leader in Asia’s MICE industry, the venue plays a critical role in driving Hong Kong’s economic and tourism growth, and is helping facilitate the future development of the Airport community’s “Bridgehead Economy” brought about by the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and other cross-boundary infrastructure projects.
“In the space of just three years, AsiaWorld-Expo has successfully hosted many high-profile international exhibitions, conferences, banquets and concerts, and now accounts for close to 30% of the entire Hong Kong exhibition market,” remarked Mr Lau Hak Wah, Chief Operating Officer, AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited. “Based on this market share, AsiaWorld-Expo contributes around HK$8 billion (approx. US$1 billion) to the Hong Kong economy and provides an estimated 18,000 jobs every year.”
“AsiaWorld-Expo also has further room for growth,” Mr Lau continued.  “The Hong Kong boundary crossing facilities of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Airport Link will connect with Hong Kong International Airport, adjacent to AsiaWorld-Expo. With these developments, AsiaWorld-Expo is well positioned to lead the growth of the local exhibition and conference market.”
The Job Fair was organised with the support of the Home Affairs Department of HKSAR, Hong Kong Outlying Islands Women's Association, and Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Tung Chung Integrated Services.
“We are happy to see AsiaWorld-Expo working closely with the community and promoting its job vacancies in this manner,” said Ms Chau Chuen Heung, MH, JP, Vice-Chairperson of Islands District Council and Chairperson of the Hong Kong Outlying Islands Women's Association.  “By offering employment opportunities to all sectors of our society, AsiaWorld-Expo is not only helping to support the community at a difficult time, but is also providing an opportunity for people to discover a new sense of self-worth, independence and belonging. This Job Fair provides a wonderful opportunity for housewives to obtain part-time work. Opportunities like this empower women with income, while also providing the flexibility they need to take care of their families.”
Ms Crystal Cheng Lai Ling, Service Director of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Tung Chung Integrated Services agreed with these sentiments, adding “This event is much more than an opportunity to gain work experience. AsiaWorld-Expo will provide valuable training that will enhance the local community’s working skills and will ultimately benefit community development in Tung Chung.”  
To celebrate the launch of today’s Job Fair, AsiaWorld-Expo proudly hosted a high-profile Opening Ceremony. The five officiating guests were: Hon Tam Yiu Chung, GBS, JP, Legislative Councillor; Mr Sylvester Wong Hiu Fung, Assistant Islands District Officer; Ms Chau Chuen Heung, MH, JP, Vice-Chairperson, Islands District Council and Chairperson, Hong Kong Outlying Islands Women’s Association; Ms Crystal Cheng Lai Ling, Service Director, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Tung Chung Integrated Services; and Mr Lau Hak Wah, Chief Operating Officer, AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited.

About Hong Kong Outlying Islands Women’s Association

Hong Kong Outlying Islands Women’s Association (OIWA), is a non-government subvented Charitable Organization and Trust Association which links up women from the outlying islands such as Lantau Island, Peng Chau and Lamma Island etc., was established in 1976 and formed by women of different social classes in the outlying islands. The association emphasises and puts long-term efforts in the provision of women developing services as well as family, children and youth’s support and growth services.

About Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Tung Chung Integrated Services

Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Tung Chung Integrated Services started service in Tung Chung since April 1997. This “One stop” service delivery model is a pioneer in the history of social welfare development in Hong Kong. The model emphasizes on person-centered, needs driven and holistic perspective to serve the residents of Tung Chung and to develop Tung Chung as a caring community. Its service includes nursery, school, children and family, school social work, youth, elderly, volunteer, employment, community development, home help, counseling and pastoral services.


Media Contact

For media enquiries, please contact AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited:

Kenneth Chan
Tel: 3606 8888
Fax: 3606 8889
Fiona Lau
Tel: 3606 8888
Fax: 3606 8889