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10 Feb 2009

AsiaWorld-Expo wins top Outstanding Partnership Project Award and strengthens its leadership as one of Hong Kong’s socially-responsible businesses Award–winning community programme creates valuable new job opportunities

AsiaWorld-Expo has once again been recognised as one of Hong Kong’s leading role models for corporate social responsibility. For the second consecutive year, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) has awarded AsiaWorld-Expo its prestigious Caring Company logo. The company has also received an Outstanding Partnership Project Award, which is the top honour awarded to a Caring Company, acknowledging its pioneering work with vulnerable members of the community as well as contributions to the society by creating employment opportunities and providing vocational training for the socially disadvantaged members of the society.

Under the terms of the Caring Company scheme, recipients are required to meet two of six “good corporate citizenship” criteria. This year, in addition to meeting its original two criteria – namely Employing Vulnerable, and Giving – AsiaWorld-Expo has met a further three criteria: Employee Friendly, Caring for Environment, and Mentoring.

In the years since its establishment, AsiaWorld-Expo has proudly cooperated with a number of NPOs to provide training and work-trial opportunities for the unemployed. It also regularly outsources work to social enterprises run by NPOs. In 2008/09, these included the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Tung Chung Integrated Services, and The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention. AsiaWorld-Expo is also honoured to share its expertise with these NPOs to help them enhance their management capabilities and operate more efficiently. To date, projects have included assisting the members of The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention to acquire working skills and to join the exhibition and convention industry.

AsiaWorld-Expo has always been committed to sharing its success with charitable organizations. In 2008/09, it proudly made cash contributions to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to help support its vital work around the world. The company likewise encourages employees and customers to make charitable donations, whether large or small. Initiatives include an innovative payroll deduction system whereby charitable contributions are taken directly from employees’ salaries.

In recognition of the company’s commitment to the highest standards of air quality, it has been awarded the Environmental Label of HK Awards for Environment Excellence (HKAEE). This official certification guarantees that employees, contractors and visitors to the venue enjoy superb air quality and a healthy environment for both business and pleasure.

“In the past year, we’ve been proud to blaze a trail for corporate social responsibility,” said Mr. Allen Ha, Chief Executive Officer, AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited. “The Caring Company logo officially recognises our proactive commitment to supporting our employees and the wider community. Looking ahead, we’re excited to play a leadership role in making Hong Kong a centre for socially-responsible business practices.”

Community partnership in action
In 2008, AsiaWorld-Expo also launched its Multi-dimensional Events Services Programme in association with The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention (SRACP). Designed to offer logistics training and job placements to the unemployed and ex-offenders, the programme is founded on a cooperation agreement between AsiaWorld-Expo and Bright Services Co. Ltd. (Bright Services), a social enterprise under SRACP. Under the terms of the agreement, AsiaWorld-Expo commissions Bright Services to provide logistic support, such as setting-up, disassembling and transporting exhibition booths and performance facilities for a number of exhibitions and conferences, and to arrange the manpower required for these activities. This landmark programme proactively helps vulnerable members of the community learn new skills that enhance their self-esteem and help them reintegrate into society. In its first year, this vital new programme surpassed all expectations by generating 537 training opportunities, 528 temporary jobs, and eight permanent jobs.

In recognition of this important programme and the difference it is making in the lives of people in need, AsiaWorld-Expo recently received an Outstanding Project Partnership Award. It was one of only four organisations to receive this honour, shortlisted from a list of some 40 nominees.

“All of us at AsiaWorld-Expo feel privileged to play a role in creating these employment and training opportunities for less fortunate members of society,” added Allen. “This ongoing programme is the perfect complement to our enhanced Caring Company status, and lays a firm foundation for even greater achievements in the year ahead.”

Media Contact

For media enquiries, please contact AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited:

Kenneth Chan
Tel: 3606 8888
Fax: 3606 8889
Fiona Lau
Tel: 3606 8888
Fax: 3606 8889